“The S.P.A.R.K.S Blueprint”
…A Workshop for the Trades
Join Me For A Full Day In London Heathrow, Where I Will…
Show You SIX Steps, That Will Help You To Keep Your Diary Full of Quality Local Work…

Have you been dreaming of building your business, so you can keep your diary full, and never have to compete on price again… … Yet, despite your best intentions, this is always just out of reach? Do you want to STOP being busy, doing work that just doesn’t pay well?
Does it seem like, no matter HOW many books you read, or videos you watch, or questions you ask, you still can’t seem to figure it all out, and sometimes you just want to give up?
Frankly, I’m not surprised!
The truth is, learning how to keep your diary full of quality work is pretty much impossible to do on your own. There’s just so MUCH you need to understand.
Believe me, I know! It was not that long ago, that I was in the same situation you are today: dreaming of a full diary and trying to charge what I’m worth, but I was drowning…
I was failing with my business and almost lost everything, bankruptcy was on the horizon, simply because I wasn’t able to get enough work, but then at the eleventh hour I met a very successful business man who in one sentence a question changed my business and life forever.
While talking to him I was busy explaining how bad things are, how I had no work, how if I didn’t pay my overdraft I could have to close the business and go bankrupt…
His simple question…
“What are you doing today and everyday to get customers for your business?”
In this simple question I learned some valuable lessons…
The biggest was that being a successful electrician had very little do with how well you lay cables or …Very little to do with having a string of qualifications… DEFINITELY had nothing to do with intelligence. and having an in depth knowledge of the regulation wasn’t much of a factor either…
I learned that to be a successful and PROFITABLE electrician, I had to master just one skill.
How To Market Myself Locally…
So I spent the next SEVEN years developing a SYSTEM and refining it to a point where I spend only Four hours a week working on the marketing of my business…
This has allowed me to build a business that is more profitable than ever before, working less hours and being able to select the work I want to do …
I now want to show YOU that system.
Saturday 16th April
James is an apprentice served Electrician, with over 25 years experience in the electrical business, most of which has been in the domestic sector.
James runs a small but successful company in Kent where his sole focus is on domestic clients, he has a passion for learning and as a result holds a number of industry related qualifications as well as holding a degree in Business Management and Marketing. James is a registered member of theIET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) and is accredited by APCTC (The Association of Professional Coaches, Trainers and Consultants)
In 2012 James founded "My Electricians ToolBox" a Marketing resource for Domestic Electricians wanting to learn how to market their business successfully.
- Why Specialising is key to getting more work
- How to position your self as an Expert
- How to crack the Advertising Code
- How and Why to Make Friends not just Customers
- The importance of Keeping in Touch
- Why you should systemise your marketing
Saturday 16th April

Meet The Speakers
James Dewane - Electrician, Best-Selling Author and Expert in Local Marketing For Trades.
James will share with you:
The Simple Six Step System that he used to build his business and now helps Hundred of UK Tradesmen and women to keep their diary's filled with great quality local work.
No one else teaches such effective marketing strategies specifically for the trades, his book the SPARKS Blueprint was released in August 2015 and withing three weeks was an Amazon best seller in FIVE categories.
Julie Hutchison - Award Winning Coach, Speaker and Trainer in Business Systems
“Julie will be sharing with you how to:
Enhance your business performance by improving you as a leader of your business. Gain an understanding of what holds you back, and reduce the wasted energy and effort you have to put in to your business. You will gain a reputation for amazing engagement with your clients and your staff, so that they will want to recommend you, work with you and be part of a positive passionate business. Save time and increase profits as you increase your impact and create a streamlined, efficient business machine.
George Theodosiou - Speaker and Trainer in Liquidation Avoidence
“10 years of Liquidating Companies and Restructuring Businesses ALL BECAUSE OF DEBT PROBLEMS George woke up 2 years ago and had enough! Enough of the effects that money worries were having on his clients (depression, divorce, domestic violence and death).
Carefully constructing a solution system that plugs the holes that cause a Business to go bust, George focuses his energy on preventing problems and propelling progress helping his clients set up start-ups, grow and maximise exit strategies.
From Survival to Success nobody from an Insolvency background has put content like this! Why?...Because they don’t want you to avoid Insolvency!”
Carole Fossey - Award winning author, Speaker and Small business owner.
Carole is an award winning author, small business owner (since 2001) and passionate web fanatic. Using the Magnetic Business Millionaire Framework, she helps small businesses to grow their business through key areas like – growing your business through having the right social media strategy.
Having sold her last business to a venture capitalist in 2013, Carole now spends her time training business leaders and is Chief Strategist at www.strategysocialmedia.co.uk

Buy Your Ticket From This Site And Bring A Guest For Free
‘Better Than 100%’
Money Back Guarantee
Here's my invitation to you.
Register your place at the S.P.A.R.K.S Blueprint Live Workshop today.
Attend the workshop and absorb every bit of information I have to offer.
And if by the end of the day you don't think it was worth every penny you paid - and more - just let me or one of the team know and I'll refund your investment in full - no questions asked - PLUS I'll even refund up to £25 to cover your documented travel and accommodation expenses!

Previous Attendees Are Saying...
“ Just a few lines on my experience from A Toolbox Live event I attended on Friday April 24th just … I thoroughly enjoyed the day, the delivery of the course was excellent and the material was presented in a way that everyone could understand… I would recommend the Toolbox Live event to anyone who wants to take their business to a much higher level. If I did, so can you. Thanks James for a very valuable experience…”.
Cathal Moore
Electrical Upgrades
“I have just attended a toolbox live training event and was very pleased with what I learnt in just one day. I have a very young family and a demanding work load. So to take time off for training was a hard decision for me to make. I did it and picked up some simple but effective tips that I will be implementing in the next few months. James is worth taking time out for. I just don't want my competition seeing him! “
Nigel Rooney
Rooney Electrical
“A great opportunity to learn marketing techniques that work. Having run my company for eighteen years, the last two years using James Dewanes tips have been the most profitable by far. ..A lack of work just isn't an issue I have any more. In addition it's great to be in a room with positive people, it always gives me a boost.”
Nick Smith
Allied Electrical Services
You Still Have Questions...
I understand that as you read this, you may still have questions. I regularly speak to people who want to attend my workshops or purchase my products, but something's stopping them from pulling the trigger and going for it.
It's usually one of these three things:
They don’t think they have the time
Believe me when I say… the strategies you’ll learn and implement when you attend this workshop will save you weeks if not months of messing around and trying to work how to grow your business alone.
My proven system is without doubt the BEST way for you to get (and keep) more customers, and dramatically increase your income.
They don't think they can afford it
Firstly, I don’t want you to see this as an expense. I want you to see it as an investment.
An investment is defined as:
“to put (money) to use, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.”
I know with absolute certainty that when you implement the ideas I share with you this workshop, you’ll make many multiples of your investment back – and fast!
And remember, I’m even willing to back that up with a 'better than 100%' money back guarantee so there really is no risk to you whatsoever.
If by the end of the day you don’t think you have the tools and strategies necessary to get a significant return on your investment, just let me know and I’ll refund your investment in full, plus up to £25 to cover your documented travel and accommodation expenses.
They're not sure it's for them
If you genuinely have no interest in getting and keeping more customers, using my low and no-cost strategies, then I accept and agree that this investment probably isn’t right for you.
However, my guess is if you’re still reading this but haven’t yet decided to register your seat, it’s more likely that you’re questioning your own ability to make real use of what you’re going to learn.
But believe me when I say that I have seen tradesmen from all backgrounds, from new apprentice to seasoned pro, take this information and use it to great effect. Literally, ANYONE can do it.
You just need to take the first step.