Attention Electricians and Tradesmen…
“Uncover The Six Fundamental Steps to Transform Your Business and Keep Your Diary Full All Year Round!”
Give me just one day of your time and I will:
- Show you real life examples of Adverts, flyers, promotions, and offers that are proven to generate tens of thousands of pounds of work
- Explain how I lost everything and built a better business using the direct response marketing techniques in the S.P.A.R.K.S Blueprint
- Give you everything you need to ensure your diary is full months in advance with good quality, well paid, local domestic work, (meaning you won’t have to travel miles to get to your customers)
The S.P.A.R.K.S Blueprint Live Workshop
From: James Dewane
Author and Creator of The S.P.A.R.K.S Blueprint
Running a business in the trade is hard work.
Sorry to start on such a depressing note, but it’s true.
And anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
I’ve lost count of the amount of electricians, plumbers, and other tradesmen I know who have gone broke in the last few years – all because no-one ever taught them how to run a proper business!
In fact, 80% of tradesmen go bust within the first 2 years.
And they really didn’t need to struggle.
Now for the GOOD NEWS… 🙂
Three years ago, after over 25 years in the business, I created the S.P.A.R.K.S Blueprint. This is a simple 6-step system, designed specifically for domestic electricians, to help them get and keep more customers.
This system has been responsible for generating literally hundreds of thousands of pounds in new business for my company, and for the many hundreds of clients I’ve shared the system with.
The simple fact is, anyone in the trade who is booked up and well paid, understands the power of direct response marketing.
And right here on this page I’m going to explain to you how you can use low and no-cost direct response marketing techniques, so you can get (and keep hold of) more customers.
Now, I understand if you’ve not really done much marketing before, this idea may be a little daunting.
But my guess is, you’re reading this because you’d like to grow your business. And the best way to do that, is using the system I’m about to share with you.
Like I said, I understand that right now you may be a little fearful.
– Maybe you’re concerned about all the costs of running ads…
– Maybe you’re worried that you won’t get the response you were expecting…
– Maybe you’re frustrated because you’ve tried to grow your business in the past without success…
– Or maybe you’re just a bit overwhelmed because you’re relatively new to the trade, and you don’t know where to start!
8 years ago, I felt the same.
Picture this…
On a dreary, wet October day in 2007 you and I are aimlessly wandering the streets of Bromley. I am in a complete daze and literally have no idea which way to turn and you have no idea how to help me. I turn to you in utter desperation.
“What do I do now!? Where do I go!?”
You try to reassure me but I continue in my despair.”My wife and I have got a baby on the way and we’ve just committed to buying our new home in Kent, and now I don’t even have the bus fare home! How did this happen? I’ve justcome out of a meeting with my friend Rob. I’ve known him for almost three years and I thought he was going to advise me how I get through this situation. He was supposed to help me!
Instead I have come away with nothing, literally nothing!
Rob is a financial adviser who specialises in helping companies who find themselves in trouble and I had just walked out of the office of my friend – who had just become my liquidator. He told me that due to the financial state of my company, I could not legally trade any more, not for one more second.
So, I could no longer trade and I had to tell my staff that I had nothing left and I could not pay them. I was declared insolvent! I would also have to explain to my wife that our plans for a new home were in jeopardy.
I felt a complete failure.
This morning I was a businessman, I had a thriving company,and employed nine staff, had three vans and a car on the road plus a nice little shop front office in South London. Now I had nothing; no business.
In effect I was unemployed, my vans and car were company property so I couldn’t use them nor could I access my company bank accounts.
Even so, I was determined I was not about to become bankrupt. I had lost my business and had no idea how I was going to avoid personal bankruptcy, especially as I had borrowed heavily and just committed to a mortgage on a new house. I owed a lot of money and all I had now was my handtools!
Friends and family had helped me financially when I was building the business and the bank had trusted me with personal & business loans; any one of them could have pushed the bankruptcy button by forcing a repayment,meaning the new house and car and even the shirt off my back would have been gone and I could easily have been declared bankrupt, but, I managed to convince everyone to have some further faith in me and thankfully they did!
Now I had to dig really deep and start again.
I had no money for adverts, no money for marketing or staff. Nothing.
All I had was my hand tools, my wife’s car and the sheer determination that I was not going to fail again. That was it!
I had to start again, I had no choice. I had a new home, a family to support and people I didn’t want to let down, I didn’t have time to wallow or get depressed.
I had to get out and earn some money. Sometimes you have to hitrock bottom before you see things for what they really are. I resolved to start again with a determination that I was never going to fail again, especially as everyone I owed money to had faith in me and trusted that I would rebuild a business and pay them back in good time.
If they saw this in me, then I couldn’t let them down, I would dig deep and deliver.
I reached out to a couple of friends, not for loans, but to find work- one was a hairdresser called Bobby.
He owned a salon and needed some electrical work doing. So I went and spent a few days working in his salon doing some odds and sods for him and during the time I was there people were and going, some asking if I could go and have a look at quoting on something for them, others booking me there and then to do small jobs.
I realised that while the work at the hairdressers was going on I was picking up a lot of other work – all domestic and without doing any advertising.
It got me thinking:
“What are the best low or no-cost ways of getting work?”
How could I go about getting work without having to get involved with builders, agencies, or developers so that I could get my own work? That way the likes of those kind of companies couldn’t let me down again.”
It became obvious that I should target the domestic market.
The nice thing about working in the domestic market is that when you do direct work for home owners there’s no expectation on their part of them paying in 30 days or 60 days.
Their thinking is “when I want the job done I’ll have the money to pay for the job”, so it’s payment on completion of work done for you (instead of waiting around for an invoice to be paid) and that is great for cash flow.
So I decided I was sticking purely with the domestic market and I would investigate every single way I could to get work cheaply, or at no cost at all…
It became an obsession for me!
There was nothing out there for tradesmen so I looked at other sectors and figured out how to adapt marketing tactics and techniques used in those sectors and make them effective for me as an electrician.
I attended workshops, went on short courses, weekend seminars, read books and bought audio & video programs. I also studied hypnosis and basic NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and as my business grew I joined mastermind groups and subscribed to newsletters & magazines from marketing experts in the US and the UK.
In truth I spent a small fortune learning what works, but more importantly what doesn’t.
And through applying everything I learned, I managed to turn it around. Not just that, but I created a business that was far more profitable and far less stressful than my previously “successful” business.
So here’s why I’m writing to you today…
I’d love you to spend a day with me, and allow me to share my proven system with you at The S.P.A.R.K.S Blueprint Live Workshop.
During This Workshop You Will Discover…
- Why Specialising is key to getting more work (and not specialising is KILLING your business)
- How to position your self as an Expert – so you never have to negotiate on price
- How to crack the Advertising Code, ensuring that you’re fully booked, often months in advance
- How and Why to Make Friends not just Customers, so they buy from you again and again
- The importance of Keeping in Touch, so your customers want to hear from you
- Why (and how) you should systematise and automate your marketing
- …And lots more!
Your Investment
Tickets to attend this live workshop are £85+VAT each
But be warned…
There are only 50 tickets available for each date and venue. Once 50 tickets have been sold for each event the registration button will be removed, so be sure to reserve your seat today to avoid missing out.
For the next 7 days only tickets are available for just £45+VAT
WARNING: This is a Practical Hands On Workshop, so we only have 50 places available. Be sure to book your place today to avoid disappointment.
Quite simply, the sooner you register, the less you pay!
When and Where?
Friday 28th August, Cambridge
‘Better Than 100%’
Money Back Guarantee
Here’s my invitation to you.
Register your place at the S.P.A.R.K.S Blueprint Live Workshop today.
Attend the workshop and absorb every bit of information I have to offer.
And if by the end of the day you don’t think it was worth every penny you paid – and more – just let me or one of the team know and I’ll refund your investment in full – no questions asked – PLUS I’ll even refund up to £25 to cover your documented travel and accommodation expenses!

But I understand that as you read this, you may still have questions. I regularly speak to people who want to attend my workshops or purchase my products, but something’s stopping them from pulling the trigger and going for it.
It’s usually one of these three things:
They don’t think they have the time
Believe me when I say… the strategies you’ll learn and implement when you attend this workshop will save you weeks if not months of messing around and trying to work how to grow your business alone.
My proven system is without doubt the BEST way for you to get (and keep) more customers, and dramatically increase your income.
They don’t think they can afford it
Firstly, I don’t want you to see this as an expense. I want you to see it as an investment.
An investment is defined as:
“to put (money) to use, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.”
I know with absolute certainty that when you implement the ideas I share with you this workshop, you’ll make many multiples of your investment back – and fast!
And remember, I’m even willing to back that up with a ‘better than 100%’ money back guarantee so there really is no risk to you whatsoever.
If by the end of the day you don’t think you have the tools and strategies necessary to get a significant return on your investment, just let me know and I’ll refund your investment in full, plus up to £25 to cover your documented travel and accommodation expenses.
They’re not sure it’s for them
If you genuinely have no interest in getting and keeping more customers, using my low and no-cost strategies, then I accept and agree that this investment probably isn’t right for you.
However, my guess is if you’re still reading this but haven’t yet decided to register your seat, it’s more likely that you’re questioning your own ability to make real use of what you’re going to learn.
But believe me when I say that I have seen tradesmen from all backgrounds, from new apprentice to seasoned pro, take this information and use it to great effect. Literally, ANYONE can do it.
You just need to take the first step.

James Dewane
Author of The SPARKS Blueprint to Marketing for Local Trades.
P.S. Remember, you can register for this workshop today with ZERO RISK. If you don’t think it was worth every single penny, just let me know and I’ll happily refund your investment in full, plus up to £25 to cover documented travel and accommodation expenses!
P.P.S. Still unsure? Look at what people are saying about The SPARKS Blueprint…

“ Just a few lines on my experience from A Toolbox Live event I attended on Friday April 24th just … I thoroughly enjoyed the day, the delivery of the course was excellent and the material was presented in a way that everyone could understand… I would recommend the Toolbox Live event to anyone who wants to take their business to a much higher level. If I did, so can you. Thanks James for a very valuable experience…”.
Cathal Moore
Electrical Upgrades
“I have just attended a toolbox live training event and was very pleased with what I learnt in just one day. I have a very young family and a demanding work load. So to take time off for training was a hard decision for me to make. I did it and picked up some simple but effective tips that I will be implementing in the next few months. James is worth taking time out for. I just don’t want my competition seeing him! “
Nigel Rooney
Rooney Electrical
“A great opportunity to learn marketing techniques that work. Having run my company for eighteen years, the last two years using James Dewanes tips have been the most profitable by far. ..A lack of work just isn’t an issue I have any more. In addition it’s great to be in a room with positive people, it always gives me a boost.”
Nick Smith
Allied Electrical Services
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