J Dewane

How do you look, to your clients?

It is a simple fact that customers buy from people they like and trust, needless to say you are both likable and trustworthy. But does  your potential customer know this?

and how do they pass judgment, after all the first time they meet you is when you arrive at their home to survey their work/project.

The answer is your image, your public image is everything when it comes to building trust with potential customers. The old saying goes “First Impressions Count…” but in this day and age you never know when or how you are making that first impression, it could be Your Advert, your Twitter Feed, your Face Book page, your Van or indeed it could be the first time you walk up to their door…

It is possible to be doing everything right or so you think, only to lose the job and not know why. The simple truth is that it could have been, a daft comment on Face Book or Twitter, an inappropriate newspaper in the front window of your van, the fact that you didn’t wipe your feet or take off your shoes, the fact that you had bad breath or BO…any one of these and a number of other reasons can put potential customers off.

So what can you do…

Social Media

Remember that everything that you put up on social media is in the public domain, try not to be controversial do not discuss matters of religion or politics, yes you have every right to your opinion but if  you want to work in people’s homes you need to be measured in what you say, otherwise you run the risk of alienating a large number of potential customers.

Your Van

If it’s not already sign written get it done, this makes a huge difference in how people perceive you, people can be very sceptical when they see a plain white (or an other colour) van.

Watch what you and your staff do with reading material, when you turn up on someone’s drive with page three of the star  or the sport (if it’s still around) if can for a very negative opinion in the mind of the potential customer.

In general keep you van tidy and clean, it is important that the client sees that you care about your/your companies appearance because then you are more likely to care about their property.

Always ask permission to park on there drive if that is where you park, don’t simply assume that because they called you to do a quote that they are happy for you to pull up on their drive…

I simply say while pointing at the van ” Sorry hope you don’t mind, but will that be OK there…”

Most people are fine but by doing this you have demonstrated that you care about their property, their home.


If you haven’t already then Invest in some branded T-shirts they make a world of difference.mIf you are registered and you should be, then put the logo of your awarding body on the shirt. Wear sensible work trousers or jeans, track suits on you or your staff gives completely the wrong image.

Ensure your personal hygiene is OK, it is easy during a working day to sweat a lot and not be aware of the odour and this could be very unpleasant for your potential customer.

I guess that no matter how good a Tradesman you are or how well you,know your craft, there are so many things that can put off a potential customer, so the more you are aware of these and doing something about them then the better chance you have of winning the job.






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